Wednesday, February 11, 2009

W.E.S. gives a speech

So my buddy going to be presenting a speech in our Social Issues class momentarily so I decided I would blog while he is talking to share it with everyone....

9:36- he looks a little nervous sitting in his chair preparing to wow us with his knowledge on his topic....

I unfortunately might not be paying that close of attention to him as I have the marvels of the "Sham-wow" on my mind...our teacher talked about it earlier and I am looking forward to watching the infomerical online AGAIN in a bit...oh yeah...and we have the SI Swimsuit Issue open and "READING" all the interesting articles....I love how SI claims that last year, over 66 million people read that issue.....

9:39- No idea what the current speaker is talking about...How the hell did SI not have Marisa Miller not be involved at all this year...I am honestly thinking about boycotting this issue do you not have this girl in your issue?

9:43- Bill is up and I love his topic so far....the Oprah effect on America's culture. He brings up a good point of how easily our society is influenced by those we deem "popular" or what is trendy at that given moment. He just gave an example of how one Obama supporter had no idea who he was, Obama, until Oprah talked about and endorsed by her. He is absolutely right that those with power and fame in our society influences those with week minds on how to live/act. Come on people, wake up and become self-educated. Why do we depend on others to tell us how to live OUR lives? I believe it one of our country's biggest weaknesses that we are so worried about what the person next to us is doing and not focused on our lives...

SIDENOTE: Our teacher REALLY needs to stop giving examples of Oprah's belly roles and girth....I just had breakfast and am thinking of sharing it with my classmates....

9:47- We have now gone from Oprah to talking about Rachel Ray and her cooking show? What the hell happened? Apparently she puts cheese on everything. Dude in front of me, Will, knows way too much about female cooking hosts on TV....that is a little disturbing...

9:49- W.E.S. finishes up and gets a round of applause...He did an amazing job.....However, I am looking for a wall to slam my head against repeatedly due to the educational level of some of my classmates and how they participate in class.....

1 comment:

W.E.S. said...

The guy before me was quite visibly shaking....I'm glad I went after him because it gave me more confidence.

Looking forward to your presentation. Maybe I could be a guest blogger on your site and do the live blog for you. :)